Let's just lay this out. My number one goal for 2016? Get back to Kenya. Hands down that is my number one priority. Our family needs to be home in a routine. I'm excited for so many things back in Nairobi. I'm looking forward to greeting all our friends (ok, not looking forward to certain friends that will have already left the country or will be leaving the country!), meeting new people, going back to my Bible study group (oh ladies! i have missed you deeply!), hosting folks in our home, and the list could go on and on. For Andrew, I'm excited for him to start school. I think this kid will ROCK school. He loves learning and soaks up everything he reads and hears. Plus, just for him to be around his friends more often will be wonderful. I know he has missed them so much (looking at you Matt, Jonathan, Emmanuel, Matthew, Joel, Aly, Ezzie, and Larsen)! For Nattie, I'm just so happy for her to have a bit of her own space. ...