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Hitting goals

I'm excited about today.  I will have a short Q&A on my favorite blog, Running for Cookies, site later today about losing 100+ pounds.  Can't wait to read it and to read everyone else's stories!

But…in other news...

This past week has been rough on our family.   My family has been sick for the past one and half weeks - even our baby girl.  She has the most sad cough that I wish I could just take away from her.  (Mine is just silly mastitis…again.  Seriously, you can go away and never come back.)  

Even with all this sickness, I managed to still eat well and workout 5 days last week (although at times I don't know how I still got that many workouts in - even one day with running 9 miles.)  

Kyle and I were talking this morning about hitting my goals.  I get SO nervous before I meet them - like really nervous.  I do feel like I'm doing all the right things - eating well and working out and so I can't be hard on myself if I don't meet them.  

Which then Kyle responds to this with "but you haven't not met any of your goals yet - and you've hit them all early".  Ok, fine, he has a point - but I will say there is an anxiety that comes on for me.  

And I think it's made me more nervous lately.  I was trying to think of why and I think I've heard of many stories where people "stall out" on losing inches and weight and I don't want that.  

I like to keep things fresh in my workouts (and in the kitchen too) and sometimes I'm nervous that I'm limited in that because of where I live.  

I want to keep getting fit.  I desire to see more muscles pop up and things become more defined (as well as more inches to decrease and to lose more weight).  

And, I want to train hard.  I want to dream big.  

Like signing up for my first sprint tri!  (WHAT?!?!  Did Sarah just do that?  Did I just speak in 3rd person?)  

I want to do things that the old me never would have dreamed of.  Dreaming big, friends.  

So, the past week and half or so my body didn't really decrease in inches or weight.  But, then this morning - I had another big weight loss.  

My sister mentioned to me that it seems that my body tends to do that - hold onto things/maintain a certain weight for about 2 weeks and then do a big drop.  

I looked over my charts I've made (yep, I've been tracking everything) and she was right.  As I looked at each Wednesday for almost the past year - about every 2 weeks there is a bigger drop and then things remain the same.  

I think it's just those 2 weeks for me make me so nervous when things aren't changing and it's hard to trust (of course!) that I'm not stalling out and that I will hit my goals.  

Anyone else been there?  Experiencing this too right now?  

Feel free to share! 


  1. Loved seeing your story on Katie's blog today!! She has become a favorite blog for me and I have been excited to read everyone's 100 pounds of awesomeness stories!! (I'm forty down so almost halfway!!) Odd as it may sound I always feel like I know folks who live overseas even though I've never lived in Africa, just because I grew up overseas on the mission field (PNG) and know life outside there States. :) And yes, it took getting used to calling chips fries once I moved back here too! Thanks for being brave enough to share!! - Sarah F.

    1. Sarah, I'm just now seeing this! I think the replies to my posts go to my media/social folder in my email and I always think it's FB notifications…ha! I need to check it more often :) Thank you for your sweet words…and congrats yourself on being 40 pounds down!! That is AWESOME! I know that has to feel great. And, I love our connection about missions - that's just awesome. Are you involved in missions now or your folks still on the mission field?


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