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Craving a burger & chips?

Oh wait.  Chips?  That's what you all in the States call french fries.

Burger & fries?

It's a meal that I used to love.

A good cheeseburger with mayo, lettuce, onion, pickle, tomato on a warm bun.  Add in some fries with ketchup.  Ok, and let's be honest…add a coke.  Oh, a cherry coke.

My type of comfort food.

When we started to change the way we ate, I knew that in making this a lifestyle, that I was going to have to have my type of "comfort foods".

For the first 6 weeks of changing how we ate, I had my friend & nutritionist, Stephanie, plan all our meals.  It helped me get to know what type of foods to eat, portion sizes, and just help me out with meal  planning and prep work.

It was bliss.

She even wrote out all my grocery lists of things I needed to buy at the store for the week.  Talk about a  mama's dream.  It was heavenly.

One of the meals she planned out for me were these chicken avocado burgers.

Oh. My. 'Lanta.  (Yes, I inserted this phrase just for some of my dearest friends.)

These burgers are so good.  And you won't miss the bun at all - I promise.

We load them up with all kind of veggies…lettuce, tomato, onions, cucumber.  Sometimes we add jalapeños for a kick.  Or, sometimes we throw in a bit of a whole grain mustard on the top.  

My mouth is watering and I just ate dinner.

What do you eat with it?

Sweet potato chips….or sweet potato fries.  Whatever you want to call them.

We'll also add in some green beans or carrots or another veggie too.

Friends, make these.  You won't regret them.

(Now, before I show the picture below I have to tell you that 1) my sweet potato chips are missing because they finished baking in the oven before anything else was done and I ate my portion before I even sat down for dinner and 2) I am not a photographer so the picture might not beckon you immediately to go and make these burgers…but please ignore the picture and just make them.)

Oh, and 3.  A tip from me to you.  One of the best ways we've handled eating correct portion sizes is that we eat every meal off of a plastic kids plate from IKEA….unless we have guests over…then we get all fancy and break out our normal size plates.

Here's what you need to make them:
1 pound ground chicken
1 large ripe avocado - cut into chunks
1/2 oat or almond flour
1 chopped clove of garlic
salt & pepper to taste

Here's how to make them:
Toss avocado, garlic, & flour together.
Blend mixture into ground chicken - being careful not to mush the avocado.
Form into patties (we can make around 5-6) and grill until done.

Easy easy!  Let me know how you like them!

What's your favorite clean comfort food meal?


  1. hey friend! i tried this recipe this week. it was super yummy! i did wonder if you have any tips on the grilling part though? my patties had a tough time staying together, probably from being sort of stuck to the pan (even though i'd oiled the pan). maybe i could bake them?


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