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School, Goals, & Baked Falafels

Yea.  Weird title for sure.

Those 3 things don't really go together.

But, I haven't updated for a bit over a week so wanted to play catch up a bit.


I have decided that I would like to head back to school and pursue a career in nutrition!!

(And because I know this question will be asked)  Wait, Sarah.  What about Kenya?

Love things happening here in Kenya.  We are still here!  I would just like to extend my knowledge in this area - an area that I've fallen in love with and would love to use to help other folks.

I've been talking with my "go-to" gal, Stephanie, and she has recommended several options ranging from becoming a health coach to a RDN (registered dietitian nutritionist).

So right now, just researching all kinds of things - what field, schools, programs, etc.

It's an exciting time for sure!  I'll be sure to let you know when I've decided which route I'll go to.


11 weeks to go (as of today) till we board a plane to head to the States (well, with a 10 day stop in Switzerland for a conference).

I wanted to challenge myself these last 11 weeks to meet some of my year goals I set back in January.  I have 7 that I would like to see happen before leaving Nairobi.

  • Run a 5k in 35 minutes (or less)!
  • Eat vegetarian dinners 4 nights out of the week.
  • Lose 2 more inches off my waist.
  • Hold plank regularly at 4 minutes.  (I hit 5.5 minutes 1 time - but my norm is around 3 mins.) 
  • Hit the "healthy/normal" BMI level - no obese, overweight…just healthy/normal.  
  • Up my water intake from 100oz to 140-150oz/day.  
  • Do non-modified versions of all my regular exercises (push-ups, burpees, etc.)  
I set up a sheet of what I will do each week until the end of June to accomplish these goals.  It's posted on the fridge as a constant reminder that I can do this!  Excited to say that I hit these goals in a couple of months! 

Baked Falafels.

There is a restaurant here called ArtCafe.  They have my favorite dish that's called a Falafel Salad. When I had it before, I thought that I could re-create this at home (and control what goes in them!) so tonight I did that.  I was just missing a small side green salad - but couldn't make it tonight because I didn't have any more lettuce/greens in my fridge.  I did pair this with a couple of strawberries.  So, so good.  

Measure out 1 cup of brown rice (you sub out for bulgar, quinoa, etc. too).  Add 2 cups of water.  Boil.  As soon as it starts to boil, simmer until all water is absorbed.

Lentils.  I totally cheated and bought a can of them and put them in a saucepan and heated 'em up.

Then I mixed the rice & lentils together (draining the lentils first though before mixing).

For the falafels…

  • 2 cans of chickpeas
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 4 green onions, chopped
  • 1 3/4 tsp cumin
  • 1 3/4 tsp coriander
  • 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper 
  • 1 TBSP parsley
  • A good amount of cilantro (maybe 1/2 cup) chopped
  • 2 egg whites (or you could just do 1 egg) 
  • Juice from a lemon & a lime (this is what I had on hand - you could just do lemons)
Mix all the above in a food processor or blender.  It will still be pretty chunky.  

Add in: 
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup flaxmeal (or any kind of flour you want) 
Blend it up a bit more.  Pour out into a bowl, cover, and keep in the fridge for a while.  I did a couple of hours just for it to sit a bit of time.  

When you're ready, take it out and roll them into balls.  This should make around 25 of them.  Of course, depending on how big or small the chickpea balls are.  

Roll them into some flax meal or oat flour or whatever you want.  Shake off a bit.  

Line a baking sheet with foil and spread out a bit of coconut oil (or whatever oil you use…or if you are in the States…any of those fancy no-stick sprays that you have there in the grocery store will work) on top of that to prevent sticking.  Place them in rows on the baking sheet and bake for around 20 mins.  

I forget how long mine baked for - but at least 20 mins.  I even flipped mine over about halfway to get all sides crunchy.  I might have baked it for longer than 20 mins - just watch 'em.  The temp was around 350.  

I also made up some fresh salsa (just tomatoes, garlic, onions, cilantro, lime juice) to go with it all.  

Pour 1/2 cup of the lentil/rice mixture on a plate and top with 4 falafels and a heaping spoonful (or a bit more) of salsa.  

It was delish! 

Enjoy, friends.  Have a great week! 


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