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Just a continuation; not a resolution

A New Year.  A New You.

It's a pretty popular phrase right now.  

It's a great time to start fresh for the new year.  Make promises to yourself.  Set goals.  Dream big.  

I actually have never really made resolutions for any new year.  Maybe when I was in high school but I don't remember them and I don't remember sticking to them.  

When I was thinking about upcoming goals for myself for 2015 - I was relieved that I wasn't making a new resolution.  Yet I was just continuing what I've been doing this past year.  

I don't like to make new resolutions.  Well, I should be specific.  I don't like to start something new on a popular day that everyone else is.  I'd rather start something on just a normal day.  Seems less pressure.  Maybe it's just my personality.  

 (And in writing that I realized that I picked today to start a new blog.  Ha.)

But, for all purposes, it's not totally new.  I have another one that I have kept account of everything that has happened during this past year and a bit of becoming healthy.  So, really, it's just a continuation.


You know when you get tired of the same old thing?  You know when you just "wanna see how things might be different"?  You know when you finally get upset enough at how things are and decide to make a change?

That's how I was about 1.5 years ago.  

Slow steps.  Nothing has been overnight.  

I started off just paying attention to what I (& for all purposes my family) were eating and making little changes.  More water.  Less juice.  No white rice.  Yes to brown rice.  More veggies.  More things at what I thought were healthy.  Oh, and trying not to gain weight during a pregnancy as well.  

It worked.  And then I added exercise.  I didn't start exercising till a while into my journey because too much at once seemed challenging.  So, like I said - slow steps.  Little changes.  

And over time I (we) have made big changes in my life and family.  

I hit the gym every morning 6 days a week.  No excuses.  I eat clean - with the occasional treat (a coffee for the week or date night out with my husband…and even then I try to make smart choices).  

It's worked well for me.  As of yesterday (my typical weigh in day on Wednesdays) I am down 89 pounds and many inches.  

So, today,  I am not starting any new resolutions when it comes to getting fit or becoming healthy.  I'm just continuing what I have been doing: eating clean and training hard! 

I do have goals for the year.  I'm pumped about this year.  I plan on hitting my goal weight (& celebrating that big time!), running numerous races, and doing things that my former self would just think is impossible.  

And I'll share those in time.

I'll also share more about what I eat, my workouts, the difficulties, and the victories.

Stay tuned.  It's gonna be awesome.  


  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I have watched your journey on FB with admiration, but felt like it was just beyond my reach. I've never been able to lose weight in a healthy way (without lapsing back into my eating disorder issues). But I hear you about reaching that place where's something's just got to change. I'm almost there. I'm so glad you started this blog. It's going to be like a ministry, and I know many will be blessed. Looking forward to reading more!

  2. You inspire me, friend. I'm looking forward to reading more! :-)


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