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10k & an easy meal idea

I completed my very first 10k today.

And to boot…here in Kenya.

Kenya is for runners.

And because of that, it completely baffles me that I just ran a 10k here!  What?!?!

And, I decided to run it last night.

Yea, the night before.


Oh and push the kids in the stroller.  That's 2 kids.  Plus a heavy book bag.

What!?  50 pounds easy.

Up an down hills.

Hello arm workout.  Trying to keep that stroller in line really worked my arms.  Moms and dads that push their kids in races are TOUGH.  They have strength, friends.  That was no joke.

I was totally encouraged though by everyone around me.  I had so many people come up beside me and run with me and ask about the kids and ask "how in the world are you doing this?"

I'm tough.  :)

But really, so many people blessed my socks off during the race - speaking encouragement and I heard a lot of "go, mama!"  One woman was so lovely to me that she came running up to me towards the end of the race and said "I've been behind you the whole time and I decided if you were pushing kids and running then I could at least stay up with you and I'm not pushing anyone."  Sweet.  She was a great motivator for me today.

Also, the woman who was passing out t-shirts at the beginning of the race told me -  "No, you are definitely a medium - you don't need a large."  Girlfriend, BE BLESSED.  You have no idea how much love I felt from that statement.  

All in all, great race.  I didn't run the whole thing.  The hills.  Those were DIFFICULT while pushing kids.  I think I ran about half and walked half.  I forgot to turn on my app to track it but I think about half.

I didn't have a time I was looking at to finish the race and I was slower than I think I would have been just running solo - but with pushing kids and more hills than I expected and it was the first time I used the stroller in a run and stopping to check on 3 kids that had fallen down - I'm happy with my time of an hour and 40 mins.

There's always the next race.

Did I just say that?!  :)

Oh, and for dinner tonight I was thinking of making palak paneer (sag paneer) - this yummy Indian dish with spinach and paneer but I'm too tired to spend rest of the day in the kitchen getting things prepped for that meal…so breakfast for dinner it is.

We're making scrambled egg whites loaded with veggies with a homemade salsa on top and smoothies!  Plus these amazing oatmeal bars.  Recipe below.  We're watching our friends kids tonight so I think it's also very kid friendly.

Happy Saturday, friends.

Oatmeal Breakfast Squares (from my friends at Martin Nutrition & Fitness!) 
2.5 C rolled oats
3 tbs chia seeds
1⁄2 C + tbs ground flax seed
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1⁄4 tsp salt
1.5 C almond milk
1⁄2 C honey, agave, or maple syrup 2 tbs nut butter
1 banana,chopped small
1 tbs pure vanilla

Any dried fruit/nuts to add in - if desired 

1. Preheat oven to 350F and line an 8 inch square pan with two pieces of parchment paper.

2. In a blender or food processor, blend/process 1 cup of the oats until a flour forms. Or you can just use 1 cup of oat flour.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients: oat flour, 1.5 cups rolled oats, chia, flax, baking powder, salt, cinnamon. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients: milk, syrup, nut/seed butter, banana, vanilla until no clumps remain. Add wet to dry and stir until combined. Add dry sweetener to taste if desired. Fold in any nuts or dried fruit that you desire.

4. Pour mixture into prepared pan and smooth out. Bake for 35-40 minutes until lightly golden along edge and it springs back slowly when touched. I baked them for 40 minutes, but baking time may vary. Place pan on cooling rack for 10 minutes, carefully remove, and cool on rack before slicing.
Cut into 9 bars. 


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