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Goals for 2016

Let's just lay this out.  My number one goal for 2016?  Get back to Kenya.

Hands down that is my number one priority.

Our family needs to be home in a routine.  I'm excited for so many things back in Nairobi.  I'm looking forward to greeting all our friends (ok, not looking forward to certain friends that will have already left the country or will be leaving the country!), meeting new people, going back to my Bible study group (oh ladies!  i have missed you deeply!), hosting folks in our home, and the list could go on and on.

For Andrew, I'm excited for him to start school.  I think this kid will ROCK school.  He loves learning and soaks up everything he reads and hears.  Plus, just for him to be around his friends more often will be wonderful.  I know he has missed them so much (looking at you Matt, Jonathan, Emmanuel, Matthew, Joel, Aly, Ezzie, and Larsen)!

For Nattie, I'm just so happy for her to have a bit of her own space.  I'm looking forward to getting her out of sleeping in a pack-n-play for the past 6 months.  Poor girl.  She needs a crib or soon...a big girl bed.  Although this mama is in no hurry for that.  I remember transitioning Andrew to a big boy bed and how many hours I logged sitting by the bed or the door saying "get back in bed".  I have zero desire to do that anytime soon.  Hmm, I wonder how long a child can sleep in a crib??

In reviewing my goals for 2015 and thinking about this next year, I have come up with a list of goals for 2016.  Without further ado....

  • Hit goal weight.  I've just been happy with maintaining weight while Stateside but am totally eager to see my goal number on the scale.   
  • Run a 5k in under 30 minutes.  Yes, I will take 29:59:59! 
  • Learn and make 1 new meal for my family each month.  So, 12 new recipes for 2016 that we can start to rotate in on a regular basis.  (Oh man, I'm so looking forward to getting back in my kitchen when we get home!) 
  • Get all medications for RA figured out and things leveled.  (I know they are starting to work because I ran for the first time over the weekend with ZERO pain.  That's a first in about a year and half!)
  • Log 600 miles outside running.  (Hmm, new shoes??)
  • Lose more inches.  I don't have a set number for this but I would like to see a steady decrease over the course of the next year.  And, I'll be honest - I have a clothing size that I would love to wear :)  
  • Research nutrition programs for schooling.  Not sure when I would be able to start this - but would like to research it a bit more. 
  • Blog once a week :) 
  • Attend 5 hot yoga classes (I'm learning this is good for RA...well, yoga in general.  But, there's a hot yoga studio in Nairobi.)  
  • Try 2 new sports.  Not sure yet what these will be but I know there are many options right now as we're Stateside and I heard that a new spin studio and crossfit studio opened up in Nairobi.  (um, wow!)  I'd also like to rock climb once every couple weeks at BlueSky's gym once we get back and settled.  It would be cool to make it to the top of a couple new routes.  
  • Would really like to start a running group for mom's in Nairobi.  I met a couple gals at the Indy Women's Half earlier this year that are a part of a group like that and I thought it would be cool to start one there (if one isn't already going).  Allison Martyn....looking at you! 
  • Get back to holding plank for 5 minutes (gotta work on my core and arms!) 
  • Do one pull up! (You go husband for making pull ups look like a piece of cake!) 
  • Move out of modified versions of things (mostly this is as the meds for RA kick in) - like burpees, push-ups, etc.  

Ok, two goals that aren't really for me but things I want to do are 1) cheer on my sister as she trains and competes in her first MARATHON in the fall of 2016!!  What!!?!  You are a beast, sis!  You motivate and challenge me constantly! 2) do everything I can to help my husband train and compete in an IronMan!!  Kyle, dude, you are awesome.  I have no words.  I knew you were going to go for the IronMan the day you did your first sprint tri and you said afterwards "yea, that was like my morning workout".  Beast!

I'll just stop here to brag on my family for a moment.  Between 7 family members, we have lost a combined weight of around 400 pounds in the past year to year and half!!  Words cannot tell you how proud I am of our family and our desire to live a healthy lifestyle.   It's been so encouraging to do all this alongside you guys!

I'm looking forward to what 2016 will bring for things regarding living a healthy lifestyle and things outside of that.

I'd love to hear some of your goals for 2016 if you'd like to share.

Happy New Year!


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