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First Impressions

I like to keep things light and happy on social media.

I ask for prayer requests time to time.

But, most of all, I like to use social media as a way to brighten someone's day with a smile or chuckle.

Light.  Happy.

"How is it coming back?"

Most popular question that we have been asked - by far.

Overall, great.  We are enjoying being with family and starting to see friends that we haven't seen in a couple of years.

Reunions are sweet.

This is where things may not be so light or happy.

I've been heartbroken upon returning to the States.

There is a serious problem here in the States with obesity.

I speak from love.  I have been overweight or obese almost my entire life.  I know what it's like.

And, even now, I am still considered overweight in the BMI chart by a couple of pounds.

I see it with fresh eyes.

Fresh eyes of not being here for almost 3 years.

Fresh eyes of changing my lifestyle completely to desiring it become healthy and fit.

It has broken my heart and filled my eyes with tears to see so many folks not healthy.

For me, i just didn't know any different.

Yea, I desired something different but I just didn't know how to really do it and really...was my heart there?  Did I really desire change?

Oh, if my old self could have felt like it feels now.

There is a restaurant on almost every block.  Or multiple restaurants.

And we're not talking healthy ones.

So many supermarkets or grocery stores filled with an outstanding number of unhealthy food choices.

So much junk everywhere.

No wonder we have a problem with obesity.

Even in the "healthy" food stores - you have to be careful of what you put in your cart.  There is junk in there too.

We have so many places to work out here too.

Beautiful sidewalks for walks or runs or bike rides.  They are being underused.

Countless number of gyms and fitness classes.

Even decent education is out there - but not to everyone and everywhere though.

That's where it's breaking my heart.

I really want to help out.

I was in the gym this afternoon and right next door was a pizza joint.  In the hour I was running, I saw person after person entering into that pizza place and coming out with a couple boxes of pizza and boxes of breadsticks or other sides and plastic sacks containing soda.

I have been that person multiple times entering that pizza place and coming out with pizzas and soda.

It's a quick and easy dinner.

It's cheap.

I could easily argue the point that eating well is just as quick and easy...and cheaper.  Not to mention better for our bodies.

I'm not really sure where to go with all this - but it's been on my heart.

No one really wants to hear this answer of "heartbroken" when asked "how's it been coming back?"  But, I'll be honest - I've been sad.

I want to help.  I want to help anyone that wants it.

Going back to school to study nutrition is one way to help.

But, really, I desire to sit with anyone that wants to change their life and help them out in anyway I can.  Maybe it's just listening.  Maybe it's encouraging.  Maybe it's sharing a couple meal ideas or exercise routines.    

I've been there.  I know it's hard.  I know there are so many obstacles.  But, I know that if you have the desire - you can do it.



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