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Mostly for this blog I wanted to write about nutrition and exercise.

This one.  Hmm, maybe not so much.

Folks, I am losing my sanity.

Since June 19th, we have been living out of suitcases.

That's 136 days, friends.

A lot of days.

I'm not even sure how many different beds we have slept in since we left our home.

At each new place we visit, Andrew asks "Is this our new home?"

Oh buddy.

Andrew and Natalie's favorite game to play is "let's fly to Kenya in a plane".

Andrew asks us frequently when we are going to go back home.

I answer him with we are praying right after Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then we will be back home.

But, what if it's delayed more than that?

When we were in Charlotte for a debrief time with our sending organization, we learned we have significant more monthly financial support to raise.  With that, we cannot purchase our plane tickets to return home until we hit 90% of our support needed.

So, I am telling my son after the holidays like we originally planned and I just don't know.

I am losing my sanity.

Living out of a suitcase and not being home for 136 days now is just nuts.

I don't know of any other profession (although I'm sure there are ones out there) that have you leave your home and job for 6 months at a time to travel around.  This is one part of our job that I dislike.

I love seeing our friends and family.  It has been so incredibly sweet to catch up with folks.  I can't even describe how lovely it has been.  We have felt so loved and cared for, had amazing talks with friends, and our kids have enjoyed new things in the States.

And...I am longing to be back in Kenya in one place and into a routine.

You know when you go on vacation and are so excited for the time away but by the end you are just ready to be back home?

That's me.  Well, that's my whole family.

In the meantime, we are working at raising the remaining funding we need to head back to Nairobi.  We have been encouraged the past couple of weeks at how God is just moving and raising these funds.  It's been amazing to watch.

We long to see how our friends are doing back at BlueSky.  How has Sunday's at Six been going (our discipleship group)?  There's a core group of guys that Kyle mentors weekly...we want to see them face to face and see how they are really doing.  I miss my ladies at the grocery store and market and our talks.  My weekly Bible study group of ladies...oh man...that time is so precious to me and it's been hard to be away during this fall study.


All this to say, there are moments (ok, many moments) where I desire to be in one place and have a routine.  I probably feel a bit more of this with caring for our kids mainly and knowing how much of a factor stability is for them.

And tying this in with nutrition and exercise...being back home and having my normal routine again of working out and eating foods that our family is used to will be so good.  Being gone for this long just doesn't make me feel like myself and that's no fun.

In the meantime, we are praying for the remaining funding, sharing our ministry with folks, and asking for new partners in our work.

And, I am also working on trying not to lose too much of my sanity.

I need a bit of it to take care of my family daily! :)  Well, that, and good amounts of coffee.  And, most of all, Jesus.  He's got this.


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