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Results are in...

I made it one week trying to "re-jump" things after hitting what feels like a huge plateau.  

4 3/4 inches down.

2.6 pounds down.  

Confidence gained.  

And...huge news here: no pain at all related with RA.  (yay for drugs working!) 

Fave recipe of the week was this delish salad (for 1 serving):

-toss fave mixed greens on plate (2 cups-ish)
-add 1/3 cup quinoa (a bit more if you are a male)
-sprinkle some fresh basil and 1 oz crumbled feta cheese
-throw in a handful of cherry tomatoes 
-top with 4 oz of white fish (6oz for men)
-oh, and about 3/4-1 cup roasted broccoli

Pour this dressing on top:
-1/8 tsp minced garlic
-1/8 tsp dijon mustard (we just used reg mustard)
-1/8 tsp fresh lemon juice
-1/2 tbsp olive oil
-1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
-pinch of salt
-add stevia if you want (we don't have that here, so I did the smallest bit of honey)

Toughest exercise?  Still burpees.  I know there will be a special place in heaven for all the people that love burpees.  I, for one, will not be sitting at that cool table.  

I even teared up this week...after being pain the possibility of being able to run again and do races with my husband.  Well, you know, him finishing way ahead of me and then waiting at the finish line for 30 hours for me to finish!  Yay!    

Things are looking good at the moment.  

Week 2 begins tomorrow morning with skull crushers, bench presses, stability ball tucks, plank, and my love - burpees.  



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