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30 seconds.

That's how long it took to stand up from using the bathroom.

Too personal?


Probably not that long but I did say a little "oww, that hurts" trying to stand.

You know, that's a good feeling.


Not too much, but a little is nice.

Those muscles needed to be worked.


We are two days into this 30 day Shred program from Martin Nutrition & Fitness.

(Interested in joining?  Let me know.)

For 30 days, I'm following a bit tighter on my nutrition and definitely up'ing my game in the workouts.

I think the goal is to get "summer ready".

Basically I just want to be "ready".  Whatever that means.

I just want to feel strong.

Feel comfortable.

Part of the program is to take "before" pics, take all kinds of measurements, find out your lean body mass, etc, etc.

Mine came back "obese".

Yea.  It's been over 2 years since I've heard that word.

I wondered if they take into account all the loose skin from losing 130 pounds.

I came across something in my newsfeed about the singer Pink just yesterday and how she was getting slack over technically being obese just after having a baby...similar to me (I'm not getting slack...just the having a baby part).  Our measurements were exactly the height and weight.  Muscle tone might be different...but our pictures didn't look too far off.


That's a hard word to swallow.

I don't consider myself that at all.

Honest? It did stab me hard for about 30 minutes.

But, then, I moved forward.

I'm strong.  I'm getting stronger.

Holding plank for 5 minutes...yea, I'm tough.

More of that toughness is emerging too.

It's so nice to see that I can still do those burpees, all versions of squats (google Bulgarian squat), and lift.

Getting back in the fitness groove too brings out health in all other areas too...mentally, spiritually, emotionally....which is what I need in moving to a new place and juggling all the crazy things with managing 3 little ones.

I've always found that my best quiet time with Jesus has been during my workouts.  I've missed that talk time with Him during running and such.

Bringing all these things into balance really does make me a better

And I'm sure many of you know how true that statement is.

Now, I have to stand up from typing and prep dinner.

30 I go.



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