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The Day I Threw Out the Scale

A week ago I parted ways with our bathroom scale.



So long.

See ya later.

It didn't say what I wanted it I tossed it out.


True statement.

But, a bit more to it than that.

In about 10 days time, I gained 5kg.

Folks, that's 11 pounds.

Honestly, it's just not possible.

Ok, maybe it is possible in a certain setting.

But, I wasn't eating food like that to gain that weight or it wasn't like I wasn't not working out.

It didn't make sense.

Lack of sleep. (Tried to nap today.  Kyle declares me the worst napper ever.  He says I'm worse when I nap.  Thanks, love.)


Sick.  (Just found out that this nasty lingering cough/tiredness for the past 6-7 weeks all of us have had is walking pneumonia.)

Maybe it was my RA meds?  I've been on them for a while but maybe something shifted and that caused the weight gain?

Maybe something else?

I don't know.

It was so depressing to know I just dropped 9 pounds in 3 weeks and then to see 11 pounds put back on in a matter of 10 days.

So, I had some thoughts.

This "summer" (I use this term loosely b/c I think it's summer all year round here)...but from now till end of August, I wanted to change things up.

I made some new plans.

Toss the scale.  It's not an accurate measure for me right now for some strange reasons (and I hold firmly that it's not an accurate measure for a lot of other reasons too).

Continue to track inches (which are still on par)...if I want to know if things are reducing.

Focus on workouts that I enjoy.

Running 3x's a week.

Weights/HIIT/HIRT, etc - the other 3 days.

Become stronger in those.

Do not say one negative thing about my body (which is still coming back from giving birth.  Yes, it's just been 8 months...but it's still JUST BEEN 8 MONTHS!).

Enjoy food.  I'm not talking cheat days everyday here.  But, I love to cook.  I love trying new foods.  I said I'd make one new recipe a week.  (Tonight: tempeh bulgogi) Find healthy ways to incorporate this in.


I'm trying to find ways to lower my stress.  Enjoy more.  Maybe get sleep (although no naps b/c I stink at them).

I have a pair of shorts that I would love to fit into again hanging up as some motivation but those just might take even more time to fit into.

And, you know what...that's ok.

Here's to a summer of ENJOYING what I love.

So, if you see me at the cafe having a smoothie or scone with my kiddos...I'm enjoying :)

Marathon training starts end of August - things will be shifting soon enough.  (Side note: I looked for shoes yesterday.  If anyone just needs a moderate stability shoe for long distance, wider toe box, and is just "normal" in pronation...any shoe recommendations? Would love to hear.)

Anyone else have plans for the summer in regards to making it all a "lifestyle"?


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