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December 3, 2017

December is months away.


Like 7 months.

But, I'm starting to think about December 3rd now.

Planning and preparations are in the early stages.

Planning and prep work are key in life, I think.

(But, I also love a good big white board, post its, and sharpies.)

With eating well, prep work is key.  It's really a must have.

If I don't plan my week out with what we will eat, I could overspend at the grocery store or end up eating out because it will get to 4:30 and I'll think "There's nothing to eat.  I forgot to defrost the chicken.  Ok, let's just go out."

Planning my week of meals has been key for me the past 3 years.  I've gotten into a pretty good system too.  We tend to have a couple meals that are standard and then once (maybe twice, if I have the energy) I'll try out a new recipe.  Others, we'll just rotate through ones that have become staple.  We do like Friday night pizza and movie and Taco Tuesday (or some variation of Mexican).

Prepping food for the week - on the day I buy groceries - is so crucial too.  Chop veggies, cut fruit, peel and dice potatoes, etc.  I find it easier for me to eat my veggies and fruit if things are readily accessible.  I'm basically trying to make it easier on myself throughout the week.  If I can have a bit of time on one day to prep things for the week - I have found that it's easier for me to cook during the week.  Onions and garlic chopped?  Yea, big time saver!

I also like to get really excited about the meals for the week.  I love looking at recipes on blogs, Pinterest...getting new ones from friends.  When I get excited about something new to cook for the really helps to diminish the desire to eat out.

(I'll be honest, too, I'd rather eat at home 95% of the time, just because I think the food at home tastes so much better than out.  It fills me up more and doesn't leave me wanting to eat a 2nd meal after already eating out.  Know what I mean?).


I am completing week 5 of the Shred program.

This week was tough for me.

My littlest has decided to boycott sleep and this past week I've averaged about 3-4 hours a night.

It's really affected results too.

Friends, SLEEP is key when trying to be healthy.

I followed the meal plan with this program to a "T" and completed all my workouts this week and I still gained 1.2 pounds.  I did lose 2 inches I'll take that.  It's my lack of sleep (and stress) that has caused this weight gain.  I'd like to say added muscles!  I guess you just don't know!

Anyways, sleep is key.  So, I've decided to sleep in a hotel until Lydia learns to sleep through the night ;).   #yearightsarah

So, planning and prep are key for eating well.

But, I think planning and prep are key for working out.  For completing goals.

December 3, 2017.

I'm gonna cross off one big goal I've had since the day I discovered "oh,  you really can run on the treadmill?!  Not just walk?" (Yes, friends, I really did have a moment of realization on this.).

30 weeks until I run my first marathon.

Full, baby.

30 weeks to train my body and mind.

Ready to do this!

Holler at me with tips and insights from all you experienced runners.  I'd love to hear them.


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