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God's Grace

How in the world are we not all walking around at 500 pounds plus?

This is something that I have been thinking about so much lately.

I pay attention to what I eat.

I like to look at how much sugar, fat, protein, saturated fats, calories, etc I am taking in.

I like knowing if I am getting enough water in daily.

I love moving and getting a good sweat in and feeling strong after I work out.

Months back, I pulled up what I used to get at McDonalds for breakfast years ago.

Around 1,000 calories.  Plus all the other ridiculous amounts of sugar, fat, sodium, etc.

I almost threw up at that thought of what I was consuming FOR BREAKFAST ONLY.

And then perhaps I could go out for dinner that night.  Or maybe lunch.  Or maybe I'm "good" and I eat at home for the other meals...maybe something like a sandwich on white bread with mayo spread on it and turkey and cheese.  With potato chips.  Maybe for dinner I'd do fish and some vegetables and a white potato with butter and maybe sour cream.

Don't forget snacks too.  And probably something sweet in the evening.  Oh, and I'm sure I wasn't drinking just water too.  All that soda adds up.

I can't even start to calculate (ok, I probably could) all the junk I was consuming.

Ok, and was I working out?

Not really.  I was doing a bit of running.  (As much as you can as you are slowly approaching 300 pounds.)  But,, I wasn't.  Let's get real here: I hated taking the stairs even in my house in Kenya when I moved there because I just tired easily.

But, you know it really didn't matter if I was working out or not.

Nutrition is key.

If you are eating horribly and fueling your body with foods that aren't good for you then what you are doing for exercise doesn't really matter.

Basically, I was eating more than I was burning.

Weight gain.

But, the thing that I was talking to my husband about recently is: how in the world did I not hit 500 pounds or more?

How in the world are we all not walking around at 500 pounds or more?

Now, I know that not everyone eats like how I used to eat.  And maybe you workout daily.  I get that.

I'm talking generally.

It was a subject we talked about and it was interesting to me.

With how poor my nutrition was and lack of movement...I should have weighed a lot more.

I people watch.  I see what people put in their trolleys at the grocery store.  I see what people order at restaurants.

All of this went into play for Kyle and I's conversation about this topic of "how did I not gain more weight?"

Our answer is God's grace.

God's grace for me.  God's grace for all of us.

God is so gracious to us.  We deserve much worse.  Much, much worse.

But in His goodness, He is so gracious to us.  To me.

In this matter.

And thousands of others.

Thank you, God, for letting me think through this question a bit and bringing me back to how good you are.



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