Tomorrow begins my 36th year of life. My 35th year of life has been nothing short of amazing. One year ago on my birthday, my husband and I sat at our favorite little sushi and Korean restaurant in Nairobi and we together declared this year as the "year of me". Ha. Sounds a bit narcissistic, eh? Selfish? At first I was like…this is silly. But it wasn't. Not even in the slightest. In my 35th year of life, I decided it was time to take care of me and learn how to be healthy. I am beyond thankful for my husband who has supported EVERY SINGLE DAY of this past year. He has encouraged me beyond measure. Only uplifting and positive words have come from his mouth this entire year. He pushes me. Motivates me. Challenges me. Tells me how proud he is of me and how much he loves me. I am blessed. Learning about nutrition and how to properly fuel my body has been life-giving. I am forever indebted to Stephanie Martin (check out her ne...